
Vous avez une question sur l'installation ou le paramétrage d'Agora-project ?
Messages : 1
Inscription : 04 sept. 2024, 22:53


Message par maudo2 »

Agora-Omnispace is really the Software i am searching for... but i think it is - indeed - very tricky to install/ configurate :?
4..5.. times i tried to Install German language... IMPOSSIBLE...
I tried to copy "english.php" in "Agora/App/trad" to "deutsch.php" (without any changes!), and copy a Flag "german.png" in the same folder.
Then i select "deutsch" in the general admin Page...

Logging out... Refresh... and then i see the page:

"Désolé, cette page est introuvable. (Trad)"

What did i wrong??
Where can i find a How-To to create or manage a new language?

Great software! Thanks!
Regards Markus.
Administrateur du site
Messages : 1377
Inscription : 17 janv. 2008, 20:58

Re: Language

Message par xech »

Hello Markus !

If you have a German translation at your disposal, please send it to us, we will add it directly to the next Open Source version.

Thanks !